Wednesday, March 02, 2005

Hypnotize Delayed?

As I was very much awaiting the news of the soonest release date for a new CD from System of a Down, I found a relatively soon release in Europe. This is likely releasing earlier in Europe than America because they do so much touring over there, but I just wish they would release the CD. This is where the problem lies. The release date for Europe had been set for February 28. Brandon and I were going to preorder it from Europe, but I'm glad we didn't. This release was scheduled approximately two weeks before the release in America, and now System of a Down has delayed this release in Europe approximately two months. Because of this delay, not only will some fans be disappointed, but it will likely delay the release of their second part of this double album, entitled 'Mesmerize', into late this year instead of early fall. This may also effect the touring done in Europe because of the later album release as the tour was intended to promote the album.


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