Saturday, September 24, 2005

Hurricane Katrina vs. Hurricane Rita, Who Would Win?

Hurricane Katrina's death toll and damage amount were no doubt astronomical, but Hurricane Rita's damage furthered New Orleans debt and flooding issues and its barometer pressure was the third highest in history in the Gulf Coast, beating out Hurricane Katrina. Both were category 5 hurricanes in the Gulf Coast Region. Which was worse?

Friday, September 02, 2005

Hurricane Katrina

So whether we were directly affected or not, we have all been devastated by this hurricane in some way. Hurricane Katrina was a category 5 hurricane when it smashed into the coast last week. New Orleans was originally supposed to take the main hit, but Katrina veered in her path just slightly to save New Orleans from total destruction. However, that doesn't mean that Katrina didn't leave massive wreckage with New Orleans and other surrounding towns. People first sought shelter in the Superdome. I ask why they didn't flee the area. But anyways, the superdome lost part of its roof and leaked, now forcing thousands of evacuees to the Astrodome in Houston. Another effect of Katrina is that 80% of New Orleans is under water. The Speaker of the House of Representatives has made a comment of buldozing the city and starting over again. One clear effect of Katrina is gas prices. Gas prices are soaring higher than ever with no end in sight. In Georgia, the pricews have reached more than six dollars. This will leave all of our pockets near empty for weeks. One thing I ask is, despite being tqwo different types of tradgedy, which was worse: Hurricane Katrina or September 11? I'll leave that open for discussion.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Xbox 360?

The Xbox 360 is set to come out in time for this upcoming holiday season. But I ask, is it worth it? After reading this article, I hope you will too. Microsoft is making two different versions of the Xbox 360, a $300 version and a $400 version. The less expensive version is for sure not worth buying. Here's why. It does not come with the 20GB hard drive like the more expensive one does. This is crucial because without the hard drive, games from the previous Xbox system can't be played. That includes "Halo" and "Halo 2". The less expensive version also lacks the wireless controller capability, which is included in the more expensive model. And the new and improved graphics? Those don't come on the less expensive model either. Only on the nice model. Also included with the nicer model is a remote to allow for better use of the entertainment center. But it's not included on the less expensive model. You can however buy an external hard drive for the less expensive model for $50 or one wireless controller for the less expensive model for $50. Basically, Microsoft is selling the Xbox 360 for $400. Either keep the old model or get the full upgrade. It just doesn't seem worth getting the less expensive Xbox 360 model.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Coded Arms

Coded Arms is the latest release for the PSP gaming system. It came out today and so far is the first and only first person shooter game for the PSP. The story takes place inside an old computer database that was designed for military combat training. The project never quite got off the ground and so was left there for many years. During this time period, bots and soldiers multiplied within the system. Now 'hackers' are trying to go in and fix the system. This is your job as a 'hacker'. The gmaplay is pretty good for this game, however it does not live up to all of the hype about this game. The PSP was forced to adjust the controls because of the lack of a second analog stick. Now the X, 0, triangle, and square buttons act as the second analog stick. As you go through levels, you to try and kill all enemies, collect all of the hacks, and make it through all of the stages of the levels itself. As you go through these levels, you will pick up new weapons and upgrade keys, a certain number of which is required before you can upgrade your weapon. You can increase your health as you gain experience too. Considering that this is the first first person shooter game out for PSP, it is not all that bad, but it has a long way to go before it can live up to games like SOCOM and Medal of Honor. Overall, I would give Coded Arms a B rating for decent graphics and decent gameplay.

Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Kid Killed for His iPod

Yesterday a kid was walking in Brooklyn with three of his friends. He was wearing his backpack and carrying his iPod. One of them asked him for his iPod and when he refused, they knifed him. Not only did they knife him, but they took his backpack and his iPod and ran off. Now they are being accused of robbery, murder, and weapons possession.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005


Octavarium is the latest release from the band Dream Theater. This CD was definitely worth the wait. This is a must have for any Dream Theater fan or anyone who enjoys listening to music in the same genre as Dream Theater. The CD begins The Root of All Evil, where a drum beat crescendos and eventually incorporates guitar. Then the song starts with some heavy guitar riffs and later on a solo from the keyboard's, Jordan Rudess. The next song is titled 'The Answer Lies Within'. It is a much softer sound than the first track and has some very quotable lyrics in it as well. The third track, 'These Walls', also has some quotable lyrics. This song has some very interesting dynamics, beginning with a bass line, progressing into some heavy 6/8 time and involving a double bass pedal only to change instantly to some soft, melodic, and harmonic verses. The next song is titled 'I Walk Beside You'. I personally don't mind this song too much, but many people have criticized it as sounding a lot like U2. This is true, but I don't think it sounds too bad. Next is Panic Attack. This song really is a Panic Attack on all levels. It has the spastic and jumpy feel, a killer bass line, frequent double bass pedal action, and a changing time signature. The next song titled 'Never Enough' is an interesting song. It's almost techno-ish but yet heavy enough to be considered rock music. 'Sacrificed Sons' is the next song. This is a fantastic song. It was obviously inspired by 9-11 with the tragic events that occurred. It starts off peacefully and then progresses into something much heavier, much like what Last Sacrifice does. This song really captures well the emotion that many felt on 9-11. Then last is the cover song, Octavarium. This song is amazing to say the least. The CD is worth buying just because of this song alone. It has some soft melodic harmony at the beginning accompanied with a flute. Then there is a guitar solo/intro to the song followed by a heavy drum part. The song continues with a more jumpy drum line and progressing into heavier music followed by en encore at the end. This CD is so worth buying you should all go get it right now if you don't already have it.

Monday, June 13, 2005

Michael Jackson Not Guilty?

Hello bloggers!!! Where have all of the posts gone? I assume most still active members have switched over to the forum. But lets try and get some people to post and comment on here too.

Michael Jackson was acquited yesterday and declared not guilty. How can this be possible? I will say that I think this court case was not a huge deal, because child molesting, whether in the proof or not, is not a huge crime to commit. Sure, it's not something ytou see every day, but the media blew this story up far out of proportion from what it should have been. I was not in the court room and I did not see the evidence for this trial. And I didn't really follow this trial in detail either. But, even if "Jacko" is innocent, I believe that he has some serious issues to deal with and I think that he should be a good person and admit them, sort of like someone checking into drug rehab. Michael Jackson just acts too oddly not to have some issues that are not normal. Like dangling a baby over the railing up high on a building. Or denying ever having plastic surgery (it's actually in an interview I saw on TV). So, whether guilty as charged or innocent, I'm not so concerned. I just think That Michael Jackson needs some help.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

The third installment in the first of the three Star Wars movies and the completing link in the double trilogy set of six was worth the wait. However, I would not rank this movie too highly. It was still a well directed movie, because Lucas is obviously a brilliant director, but I thought it lacked in a few areas. First, the movie opened with lots of amazing and well done action-packed scenes that left me thinking, "See this again, I must." However, after about 45 minutes or so of the movie, I felt that the movie began more to fulfil the plot of the six rather than develop as a movie itself. I understand the importance of explaining the plot of the whole series in order for everything to make sense, but I thought the movie need a little more developing. Also, I didn' think that the movie lived up to all the hype it got from the media. I was really excited to go see it, but afterwards I just wasn't satisfied. And lastly, I thought that Lucas failed to draw the line between futuristic fiction and futuristic things that could never happen and were stupid to put in the movie. Some of the comedic unneccssary things could have been cut out to make the plot more developed. In the end though, it was a decent movie and I'd probably give it 3.5 stars out of 5.

Hot Shots Golf Open Tee

So this is probably not the best article or topic, but hopefully this will get some more articles written on this blog. So, Hot Shots Golf Open Tee is a very cartoon-like game that is just good fun. While I'm sure Grand Theft Auto will be all good and fun too, not all games require violence to be fun. Hot Shots Golf is a good example of this type of game. While advancing through the game, you can unlock new characters, new items, and new courses. A big plus for Hot Shots Golf is the wifi mode. You can play in a tournament wirelessly with 18 holes and up to eight people. This would be a great party game, much like Mario Party is to the Nintendo systems. And lastly, another big plus for this game is that it's a golf game, which means that the ball play will be different everytime you play it, making the gameplay length unbelievably long. This is one of the best games for PSP currently and will be for a while.

Wednesday, May 18, 2005


So, Mezmerize came out yesterday. And it's great. I'll try not to review every song, but I'm sorry if I do. The album begins with a somewhat accoustic performance of Soldier Side. Then it quickly jumps through B.Y.O.B., which stands for Bring Your Own Bombs. This keeps with the System theme of antiwar lyrics. Then they proceed into Cigaro, which is also an antiwar song. But it only appears as an antiwar song to those who actually know what the lyrics mean. Otherwise, the lyrics will leave you wondering why Serj was just singing about his cock. Next is Radio/Video, which is possibly the best song on the album. It has thrashing moments, well done accoustics, and well done harmonics. Then they play the song about cocaine which was clearly written while Darian was on cocaine. However, despite being a drug induced song, it is one of the better moshing and head banging songs on the album. Then Violent Pornography. Self explanitory. Then Question, which is another candidate for the best song on the album. And finally, Sad Statue, Old School Hollywood, and Lost In Hollywood. Both of the Hollywood songs sing about "old school hollywood baseball", which leaves me puzzled. In conclusion, everyone should go buy this cd. NOW.