Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Hot Shots Golf Open Tee

So this is probably not the best article or topic, but hopefully this will get some more articles written on this blog. So, Hot Shots Golf Open Tee is a very cartoon-like game that is just good fun. While I'm sure Grand Theft Auto will be all good and fun too, not all games require violence to be fun. Hot Shots Golf is a good example of this type of game. While advancing through the game, you can unlock new characters, new items, and new courses. A big plus for Hot Shots Golf is the wifi mode. You can play in a tournament wirelessly with 18 holes and up to eight people. This would be a great party game, much like Mario Party is to the Nintendo systems. And lastly, another big plus for this game is that it's a golf game, which means that the ball play will be different everytime you play it, making the gameplay length unbelievably long. This is one of the best games for PSP currently and will be for a while.


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